
A BSc Psychology and Bachelor of Game Development Graduate.

A quick learner and gamer full with passions.

Do visit my LinkedIn for more about me.


Made in a level design game jam created by my friends and I.

We made a 4 hour game jam which is to create a game level using Portal 2 in-game level editor.

Never play the game before, so some of the mechanics were a bit fuzzy to me.

We learnt and created the level within the limit of 4 hours.

Overall, it is a nice experience and I have more understandings about level design and tools in Portal 2 level editor.

Do try it out if you have the game: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198173147110/myworkshopfiles/?appid=620

For more information, do visit my notion page: https://longing-property-e52.notion.site/Level-Design-Maze-in-Portal-2-7b53e350455d4d5f8c0684d9235fc751

Theme: Escort - You need to bring yourself and the Companion Cube to the end of the Level

Extra challenges: Able to finish the game with:

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