
A BSc Psychology and Bachelor of Game Development Graduate.

A quick learner and gamer full with passions.

Do visit my LinkedIn for more about me.

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Table of Contents


Game Narrative

-> Premise <-

-> Mood <-

-> Structure <-

-> Scene <-

-> Dialogue <-

-> Theme <-

-> Narrative Guide <-

Game World Creation

-> Research On SS15 <-

-> World Environment <-

-> Culture Of SS15 Populace <-

-> Populace In A Game World <-

-> Social Forces In SS15 <-

-> Social Forces In A Game World <-

-> Creation Myth In A Game World <-

-> Conflict In A Game World <-

-> Game World Economics <-

-> Game World Guide <-

UX Design

-> Quest System <-

My thoughts on the quest system of RPG games that have open world setting.

->Consistency In Control <-

Topic that generated from a First Person Shooter game I played.

-> Five Elements in UX Design <-

After watching Using the Five Elements of User Experience in Game Design video, I decided to take note from it.

-> Dark Patterns In Games <-

A UX Designer, Anisa Sanusi gave a talk about dark patterns in games in GDC 2017.

-> Neuroscience and User Experience <-

Another interesting video about Ux Design: The Gamer’s Brain: How Neuroscience and UX Can Impact Design.

-> Perception <-

After some videos about User Experience, I decided to pick up the related topics again, from my dusty Psychology notes.

-> Attention <-

Notes about individuals’ attention.

-> Memory <-

Some interesting theories about our memory.

Level Design

-> Maze in Portal 2 <-

I made a game level using Portal 2 Level Editor within 4 hours.


Game Mechanics

Shadow Platformer

Shader In Unreal

Bubble Shader in Unreal

ShaderLab In Unity

First Custom Shader in Unity

Python In Unreal Editor

Spawning Multiple Actors on A Sphere

Learned and tried out how Python integrates into Unreal Editor.

Progressive Effect

Recreated a similar Bastion Progressive Effect from a tutorial video with Unreal Material Graph.

Mathematics In Programming

-> Bezier Curve <-

-> GJK Algorithm <-

-> Spatial Partition <-

AI Programming

-> Game Of Life <-

-> Path Finding <-

-> Boid Simulation <-

Graphic Programming

-> Pokemon in Wireframe <-

-> Audio Visualizer <-

3D Game Programming

-> Audio Visualizer With Shader <-

-> Bloom Effect <-

Game Engine Architecture and Design

-> Particle System <-

Data Communication and Networking

-> Tic Tac Toe <-

My Games

Most of them are products of Game Jam, and some of them are made by myself.

In fact, only 3 of them are from my university Programming/C++.

My friends and I always want to try out something new and Game Jam serves as a platform for us to play around.

-> Mechamancers <-

-> Revenge Of Witch <-

-> Nasty Samurai Wrangler <-

-> ALIVE <-

-> Wandering Soot <-

-> Its a Mad, Mad Crystal Gold <-

-> Ethan Fry : Galactic Pirate Chef <-

-> The Day Of The Bomb Mission <-

-> Parastick <-

-> Fated Death <-

-> Z <-

-> My Phone Made This <-

-> Adzin <-

-> Virtual Donkey (Archived) <-

Wrote a incomplete design document in Global Game Jam 2020. Unfortunately, my team and I had to quit the jam halfway due to various reasons.

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