
A BSc Psychology and Bachelor of Game Development Graduate.

A quick learner and gamer full with passions.

Do visit my LinkedIn for more about me.

-> Fated Death <-

(Click the title to get to game page)

Genres given: Combat, Turn-based, Military Theme: Death, Fighting Fate

This is a product of a game jam. In this game jam, two of my friends and I wanted to put our hands on Unreal Engine as our course didn’t include the engine knowledge in the syllabus.

There is always a debate about how should a beginner start to learn Unreal Engine. For us, it is to use blueprint to create a simple game in 48 hours. We chose blueprint as it is relatively fast for prototyping and easier for us to pick up with programming knowledge and without knowing much about Unreal library.

The process was enjoyable as it was all about exploring and experimenting with Unreal Engine. As we were more familiar with Unity (most of our syllabus were in Unity), Unreal Engine user interface was not really being kind to us. But we did have our fun especially there are plenty of free content in Unreal market and tons of tutorials from Unreal community.