
A BSc Psychology and Bachelor of Game Development Graduate.

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Study of SS15 Populace’s Culture


SS15 is full of shops like beauty salon, dessert shop, electronic shop, restaurant, café, bar, fast-food restaurant and so on. In addition, there are many choices for the populace when they want to visit any type of shop. For example, there is more than one phone shop for the populace such as Oppo, Vivo, and Asus. Most of the shops in SS15 have been maintaining their business for quite a while. From that, we could say that the populace in SS15 pay their visit and spend at those shops frequently. Thus, it can be deduced that populace in SS15 value their lifestyle. They like entertainment, catch up with trends, enjoy food/dessert, and take care of their appearance.

Arts and Language

It is not rare to see graffiti on the building walls in SS15. Generally, graffiti like these are used to express one’s emotion/feeling, in another word, it is one form of art in SS15.

For the third picture, it is a unit full of items showing in the glass for the purpose of public showcase. The ‘showroom’ belongs to INTI International College Subang. Both graffiti and the ‘showroom’ existence delivers a message: populace in SS15 appreciate aesthetic creation.

The last picture is INTI International College Subang which is located in SS15. As its name stated, it is an international college. This means that the populace in SS15 is mainly communicating in English. However, Malaysia’s official language is Malay which can be seen in the advertisement board in front of INTI college. Furthermore, there are a lot of shops in SS15 with the signboard having Chinese words on them. This tells us that populace in SS15 use both English, Malay, and Chinese to communicate (Multi Language).

Beliefs and Religion

As the populace is using multi language in communication and Malaysia is a multiracial country, it is not a surprise to see different religious beliefs of populace in SS15. The pictures above are some examples taken at random shops in SS15 commercial area. The first picture shows some sort of wealth talisman (Taoism) while the second picture is the sign related to Christian religion. Both the pictures are taken in a close distance. It means that the populace in SS15 do not shun or have a bad attitude towards each other’s beliefs. Instead, they respect their differences in religion.