
A BSc Psychology and Bachelor of Game Development Graduate.

A quick learner and gamer full with passions.

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Dark Patterns In Games

Anisa Sanusi talked aboaut UX practice of Dark Patterns in GDC 2017.

Dark Patterns

Pattern used to put players in a position that is against their interests or intention. Example, automatic subscription system that is hidden from players’ awareness.

Some patterns that designed against players interest

Bait And Switch

Advertisement with a red cross which does not exit the advertisement but leads to a shop page.

Misuse of Graphic Design

The design such as color or opacity is cheating the players. For example, multiple download buttons in a page, almost unseeable cancel button etc.

Demoralising Terminology

Demoralise players when they want to act in their interests. For example, UI that says ‘You are a loser’ when players want to quit the game

Daily ‘Rewards’

Misuse of retention strategy. For example, a ‘possible’ reward that promised to give to players which in fact, is just an unlikely event (very small probability).

Guilt Tripping Notifications

Notification that invokes the guilty feeling in players. For example, your character is dying because you are not playing the game.

Social Validation / Compliance

Trick players to play the game through peer pressure or a social acceptance. For example, your friend just beat you, play now!

Anti-Dark Pattern Examples

Clear Trade Offs (Giving players control)

Players have the choice/control to decide their action. For example, give players the choice to watch ads or not.

Balanced UI Design

UI that designed without highlighting one over another. Children have little concept of the in-game currency vs real world value. For example, a high price item with shiny effect and animation

Definitive and Clear Language

Players tend to have a mental model of what’s going on in the game. This reduce frustration or confusion which leads to better experience. Example, games with unclear words that sounds like yes and no, which leads player to unwanted place and causes frustration.

Rewarding Loyalty

Reduce advertisements or intrusive things for loyal customers. This not only retents the players but also increases the chance of them willingly to pay/contribute to the game.


The idea is to create a good user experience instead of tricking players to act against their interests or intention. A good UX design is the one that created on user’s standpoint which leads to the increase of retention and acquisition rate. By giving the players control and meeting their expectation of the user experience, it is more likely for the players to be loyal and willing to contribute to the game.